Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jockstrap Wedgie What Is The Best Underwear For Guys In Hot Climate Countries Or Summer?

What is the best underwear for guys in hot climate countries or summer? - jockstrap wedgie

I live in the country a warm climate in South Asia.
I have tried with the boxer, but it was particularly unpleasant. If I feel it gives me a wedgie.
Besides the fighters, I've tried, but casual clothes hanging and pushes my genitals even if I go, walking or sitting.
Now I wear thong underwear or bikini, but sometimes goes and makes my testicles warm feeling (feeling of pressure, if the size is correct) exp. when I sit.

Is it true that the use of certain types of underwear affect sperm count?
What clothes should I wear and what brand?


Me! :- ) said...

Hey Kent

Yur balls are mounted outside the body Yur not endanger or easily accessible, but because they give their best by 2 degrees. F. below the body temperature. That would be 96.6 degrees. F.

Therefore balls sack nutz Yur Yur streamlines and approaches Yur Yur body cold and wet and cold, and if Yur hot, and go nutz Yur away from the body, and make the skin more flexible contact air cooling.

The main objective is to opt for better ventilation and cooling effect. I would not all of most of the summer, pants and bright colors during the day, afternoon or evening jeans. Dark color on the strip during the day in the sun in excess. I am very concerned about the number of sperm fertilize the person concerned, but means more coolSex Drive testosterone, and higher than usual. Hot in the nutz can mean lower testos. and lower sexual feelings. This is important for us, dudes! Hahaha!

If you are a sport of tennis or something you can do, but they are too hot for underwear. There are more than one type of loosely woven network is best if necessary.

I sleep naked, though, allowing the refrigerator for at least 8 hours of my life. Belkin's memories of useless Yur Yur body, and defeat all efforts natures cooling.

You have to look around and experience to yurself. If you have a high art, use what someone else may even be unique not good for you. Just think of the idea of a cooling object.

Good luck man
Me! : -)

Brooklyn NYC said...

Try light cotton boxer briefs. They allow more freedom and ventilation, but not as bad wedgie. Regular Boxer shorts are fine, but sweating.

As several posters have said, you may also want to free ball / go command accessed at times.

Which men's underwear, as a rule in the region?

littleor... said...

If you want to wear underwear, indicates that you are using a cotton boxers 1-2, but the larger sizes have a narrow waist that better ventilation and more space for the region ..

Even better .. he better not wear underwear at all ..

Be sure to wash regularly and to avoid irritation to the skin with hydrocortisone cream and baby powder

surfnyog... said...

I always go command in the Tropics! Much healthier! Lingerie Assembly overheat the testicles and kill sperm!

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