Monday, November 9, 2009

Clear Fluid During Menstruation Sand Dollar Sized Clots During Menstruation?

Sand dollar sized clots during menstruation? - clear fluid during menstruation

My sister had a clot importance of the sand dollar every time I went into the bathroom and took one and it seemed that there was a clear fluid-filled bag inside and went to the doctor, and they don 'said it is probably because the sperm DNA is not complete or something, and they do all these things and pull type you need to ensure that all out. He gave her a pregnancy test is positive. Has anyone heard of or know about a site that you can get more information?

1 comment:

majicmai... said...

Sounds like a blighted ovum.

A blighted ovum (also known as "pregnancy anembryonic called) occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. The cells grow to form the pocket of the pregnancy, but not the embryo itself A blighted ovum usually occurs during the first three months before the woman knows that she is pregnant. A high level of chromosome abnormalities usually causes a woman's body to undergo a natural abortion.

An egg is the cause of the deterioration of approximately 50% of miscarriages in the first quarter is usually the result of chromosomal problems. A woman's body recognizes abnormal chromosomes in the fetus and do not try, of course, the pregnancy will continue because the fetus does not develop into a normal, healthy child. This may be due to abnormal cell division, or causes poor quality sperm or egg.

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